I know the name of this blog is FDA Update but my team provides USDA regulatory help from time to time and that agency has caught my attention today. My favorite blog, FDA Law Blog by Hyman Phelps & McNamara posted about the new USDA requirement for nutrition labeling on major cuts of meat here: FDA Law Blog USDA Nutrition Labeling. It got me wondering what my local, independent butcher was doing to comply, so I called him and initially ruined his day. I felt so bad! I ended up researching the rule more thoroughly and found that USDA’s Food Safety and Information Service (FSIS) has prepared posters that butcher and other meat retailers can print and display to comply with the labeling rule. I called my butcher back and told him the good news sent him the posters. So, here for your convenience are links to the FSIS nutrition labeling posters: Beef & Veal, Chicken & Turkey and Pork & Lamb. The posters are high-resolution PDFs that can be enlarged as needed. I suggest that butchers and other small business meat retailers go to their local print shop and get large laminated versions that can be displayed in the shop.
There are other requirements for posting nutrition information for ground products. Many small business owners are exempt but consumers may seek the information. For a list of other information on this new rule visit this page at the FSIS website.