Identify your manufacturing partner early!

At FDA Compliance Simplified we enjoy working with companies of all sizes. Some of our clients are brand owners but not manufacturers.  They team with contract manufacturers to produce shelf-ready products. This can sometimes make it hard to get the information we need to ensure [...]

2023-12-05T22:29:55-07:00December 5, 2023|

Time to Renew FDA Facility Registrations

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires registration of manufacturing warehousing facilities for most product categories under the agency’s jurisdiction. This is true for food, dietary supplement, pet food, animal feed, drug, medical device, and biologic facilities.  The only exception is the cosmetic sector; registration [...]

2022-12-19T09:18:19-07:00December 5, 2022|

Proposed New Definition of Healthy for Food Label Claims

The FDA has proposed a new definition of healthy and related terms for the purpose of food labeling.  The current definition became effective in 1994 and focuses on limited levels of total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium to establish a food as “healthy”.  Under [...]

2023-03-28T18:27:28-06:00October 18, 2022|

Letter on proposed changes to GRAS regulations

There is a bill before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions that would drastically alter the path to market for new food ingredients.  As an observer of FDA, I expect that this bill will have ramifications for the dietary supplement industry and the New Dietary Ingredient Notification process. 

2022-11-01T16:36:09-06:00June 13, 2022|

Voluntary Sodium Reduction Targets for Foods

Many of you will recall that the 2016 updates to food nutrition labeling included a lower percent daily value for sodium (2300 mg/day).  Along with that, the update proposed that there should be a gradual reduction in sodium levels.  Last week FDA published a final [...]

2022-08-26T09:34:00-06:00October 25, 2021|

FDA and COVID-19

FDA has issued new policies affecting the food, dietary supplement, drug, and medical device industries in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

2022-08-26T09:34:00-06:00March 24, 2020|

Are you CBD curious?

We are based in Colorado, a state that has legalized both medicinal and recreational marijuana use.  Colorado's industrial hemp farming program was initiated through legislation adopted in 2013. On the national scene, passage of  the 2018 Agriculture Improvement Act removed hemp from the controlled substance [...]

2022-08-26T09:34:01-06:00August 6, 2019|

Activist FDA?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has historically worked in a reactionary manner.  The original Pure Food and Drugs Act was passed by Congress on June 30, 1906 in response to studies that showed deleterious effects of food additives that were already in use in [...]

2022-08-26T09:34:01-06:00November 29, 2018|

2018 Food and Dietary Supplement Facility Registration and Renewal

All food, pet food and dietary supplement facility registrations must be renewed between October 1st and December 31st of even-numbered years.   2018 is a renewal year and prior to the renewal period FDA published two guidance documents on facility registration (guidance and supplemental guidance).  All [...]

2022-08-26T09:34:01-06:00September 3, 2018|

FDA Updates the List of Recognized Dietary Fibers

On June 14, 2018 FDA published two guidance documents on dietary fiber.  “Dietary fiber” was not defined per se prior to the publication of the revised nutrition labeling regulations of 2016.  The 2016 definition for dietary fiber has two parts.  First, it includes “non-digestible soluble [...]

2022-08-26T09:34:01-06:00June 28, 2018|

Here’s to an A-MAZE-ing year!

2017 was a bit of a wild year with many twists and turns, stops and starts in the form of FDA actions.  The agency once more delayed enforcement of restaurant menu labeling regulations; now set for May 7, 2018.  The enforcement date for the revised [...]

2022-11-29T16:32:55-07:00January 1, 2018|

Menu Labeling Coming to a Restaurant Near You

Updated May 19, 2016: New Menu Labeling Guidance was published on May 5, 2016 so the enforcement date for the regulations is May 5, 2017.  See the full post here: Updated March 9, 2016:  FDA announced that they will delay enforcement of menu labeling [...]

2022-11-29T16:32:56-07:00June 1, 2015|

Updates for Food & Dietary Supplement Companies

I recently participated in the FDA /Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (JIFSAN Food and Nutrition webinar.  The webinar covered topics including food labeling, infant formula, medical foods, color additives, partially hydrogenated oils and dietary supplements.  Most of the presenters that talked [...]

2022-11-29T16:32:56-07:00October 6, 2014|

Recent FDA Guidance on Beverages, Liquid Supplements & Their Ingredients

In mid-January FDA issued two important guidance documents, Distinguishing Liquid Dietary Supplements from Beverages ( and Considerations Regarding Substances Added to Foods, Including Beverages and Dietary Supplements (  I will discuss the guidances in detail below but will start with the parts that are particularly [...]

2022-11-29T16:32:56-07:00March 25, 2014|
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