Menu Labeling Coming to a Restaurant Near You

Updated May 19, 2016: New Menu Labeling Guidance was published on May 5, 2016 so the enforcement date for the regulations is May 5, 2017.  See the full post here: Updated March 9, 2016:  FDA announced that they will delay enforcement of menu labeling [...]

2022-11-29T16:32:56-07:00June 1, 2015|

Labels as Tables of Contents

Last month I attended Supply Side West where my company, in conjunction with Nosco, Inc, presented information on packaging, labeling, and compliance.  I spoke to a small group of attendees about how labels function as the table of contents to information about your product; information that [...]

2022-11-29T16:33:20-07:00November 12, 2011|

FDA Delays Publication of Menu Labeling Rules

Well, March 23, 2011, the statutory deadline for FDA to publish proposed rules on how to implement the nutrition labeling provisions of the Health Care Reform Act, has come and gone with no rules.  Nation’s Restaurant News reports that in a statement FDA said, ““We [...]

2022-11-29T16:33:33-07:00March 26, 2011|
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