Special Regulations for Protein Products
Very few vegan protein products found in the U.S. market include corrected protein daily values in their nutrition or supplement facts boxes.
Very few vegan protein products found in the U.S. market include corrected protein daily values in their nutrition or supplement facts boxes.
Hindsight and 2020: A look back at FDA activities in 2019 and a look forward to 2020.
On June 14, 2018 FDA published two guidance documents on dietary fiber. “Dietary fiber” was not defined per se prior to the publication of the revised nutrition labeling regulations of 2016. The 2016 definition for dietary fiber has two parts. First, it includes “non-digestible soluble [...]
Update September 29, 2017: FDA announced extension of the compliance dates for the Nutrition Facts and Supplement Facts label final rule and the Serving Size final rule to January 1, 2020, for manufacturers with $10 million or more in annual sales. The new date for [...]
Updated June 13, 2017: Today FDA announced that they will extend the compliance dates for the new nutrition facts labels but they have not announced what the new dates will be. Here is the information published on the FDA website: "FDA Intends to Extend Compliance [...]
I recently participated in the FDA /Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (JIFSAN http://jifsan.umd.edu/) Food and Nutrition webinar. The webinar covered topics including food labeling, infant formula, medical foods, color additives, partially hydrogenated oils and dietary supplements. Most of the presenters that talked [...]