489 Prop 65 Notices in ONE MONTH!

At FDA Compliance Simplified, we focus on Food and Drug Administration regulations that cover a wide variety of products used in and on the bodies of humans and animals.  However, no product is regulated by only one governing authority.  At the federal level, all products [...]

2024-08-21T10:37:36-06:00August 21, 2024|

FTC Takes Action Against False Natural Claims

Natural claims continue to be prominent on a variety of food and cosmetic product labels.  As discussed in a previous post, FDA  has not defined  natural but requested public input on what the term should mean when used on food labels.  The comment period closed [...]

2022-11-29T16:32:56-07:00July 18, 2016|

Court Rules Against FTC in Supplement Claims Case

Hello! You may find the story from FoodNavigation.com that is pasted below interesting.  It involves LaneLabs, a supplement company that is under a consent decree due to making false claims on dietary supplement products.  The FTC brought a suit against them due to new claims [...]

2022-11-29T16:33:49-07:00August 18, 2009|
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