2020 in Review

The year 2020 started out ordinarily enough for the FDA Compliance Simplified team.  We had projects related to foods, dietary supplements, over the counter drugs (OTC), pet foods, and medical devices.  On March 2nd we received our first call regarding a project related to the new virus that was beginning to affect the United States.

2022-08-26T09:34:00-06:00January 3, 2021|

FDA and COVID-19

FDA has issued new policies affecting the food, dietary supplement, drug, and medical device industries in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

2022-08-26T09:34:00-06:00March 24, 2020|

New Proposal on Antibacterial Soaps

On Tuesday, December 17, 2013, FDA published a proposed amendment to the tentative final monograph for topical antiseptic/antimicrobial products (http://tinyurl.com/qbatlul). The proposed rule addresses the formulation of “consumer antiseptic products intended for use with water” or in laymen’s terms, antibacterial hand and body washes. Products [...]

2022-11-29T16:33:20-07:00December 19, 2013|

Hand Sanitizers and OTC Drug Regulation

In August of last year, we sent our cosmetic and OTC drug clients a link to a Hyman, Phelps and McNamara Law Blog Post about a lawsuit against FDA that sought to force the agency to finalize the tentative final monograph on hand sanitizers that [...]

2022-11-29T16:33:33-07:00April 25, 2011|

Suit Against FDA Could Affect Hand Sanitizers

The most amusing title I have ever seen on an FDA guidance document is “Is it a Cosmetic, a Drug or Both? (Or is it soap?)” http://www.fda.gov/cosmetics/guidancecomplianceregulatoryinformation/ucm074201.htm. This guidance addresses common misconceptions about how certain products are regulated.  Hand sanitizers and antibacterial soaps are examples [...]

2022-11-29T16:33:33-07:00August 4, 2010|
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