Identify your manufacturing partner early!

At FDA Compliance Simplified we enjoy working with companies of all sizes. Some of our clients are brand owners but not manufacturers.  They team with contract manufacturers to produce shelf-ready products. This can sometimes make it hard to get the information we need to ensure [...]

2023-12-05T22:29:55-07:00December 5, 2023|

Proposed New Definition of Healthy for Food Label Claims

The FDA has proposed a new definition of healthy and related terms for the purpose of food labeling.  The current definition became effective in 1994 and focuses on limited levels of total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium to establish a food as “healthy”.  Under [...]

2023-03-28T18:27:28-06:00October 18, 2022|

New for 2022! Bioengineered Food Labeling

Update February 17, 2022: Please use this link to view the UNPA webinar "In the BEginning"... Dietary Supplements Supply Chain Starts with Ag mentioned in the original post. The webinar opens with a general introduction and the presentations begin as indicated below. Good Agricultural and [...]

2022-08-26T09:34:00-06:00January 31, 2022|

Voluntary Sodium Reduction Targets for Foods

Many of you will recall that the 2016 updates to food nutrition labeling included a lower percent daily value for sodium (2300 mg/day).  Along with that, the update proposed that there should be a gradual reduction in sodium levels.  Last week FDA published a final [...]

2022-08-26T09:34:00-06:00October 25, 2021|

FDA Updates the List of Recognized Dietary Fibers

On June 14, 2018 FDA published two guidance documents on dietary fiber.  “Dietary fiber” was not defined per se prior to the publication of the revised nutrition labeling regulations of 2016.  The 2016 definition for dietary fiber has two parts.  First, it includes “non-digestible soluble [...]

2022-08-26T09:34:01-06:00June 28, 2018|

A Tweet and Speculation about Labeling Regulations

Update September 29, 2017:  FDA announced extension of the compliance dates for the Nutrition Facts and Supplement Facts label final rule and the Serving Size final rule to January 1, 2020, for manufacturers with $10 million or more in annual sales.  The new date for [...]

2022-11-29T16:32:55-07:00September 19, 2017|

FDA Warning Letters to Food Companies

Hello!   Everyone who eats believes they know at least a little bit about food labels; some even think they understand them completely. But folks in the food business know that labels can be surprisingly complicated and sometimes even frustrating. In the past several months [...]

2022-11-29T16:33:49-07:00July 22, 2010|

FTC Issues Letters on Omega-3 Fatty Acid Claims

The Federal Trade Commission in conjunction with the Food and Drug Administration has announced that they have issued warning letters to several companies who are making claims regarding omega 3 fatty acids and brain and vision function.  The agencies are seeking information regarding the substantiation [...]

2022-11-29T16:33:49-07:00February 18, 2010|

Reportable Food Registry

Hello! I received the following email from FDA today and wanted to pass it along to you.  Please let me know if you have any questions. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has a new way to head off potential cases of foodborne illness – [...]

2022-11-29T16:33:49-07:00September 17, 2009|
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